Thursday 12 April 2012

12/04/12 (2)

As I have not heard back from Joe Simpson about sponsorships, I have re-emailed him about it.


Spoke to Phil (the engineer) from Reliance this morning about fixing the lights that don't work currently in room 209/210 for the degree show.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

11/04/12 (2)

Updated the invites list with several new invitees, and also contact details from existing invitees whos details were not initially provided.


Tried out arrangements for the room we have been allocated for the degree show (209/210) this afternoon with a couple of students from the course. Found that the ceiling lights at one end of the room are not working at present. These will need to be fixed for the degree show, as we need to use the area of the room that would be lit by them for showcasing of film groups work.

Monday 9 April 2012


Created a spreadsheet with all current invites that students from the course have informed me of. Chased up a couple of students who have recieved intrest back from industry reps but had not provided me with the contact details.