Thursday 12 April 2012

12/04/12 (2)

As I have not heard back from Joe Simpson about sponsorships, I have re-emailed him about it.


Spoke to Phil (the engineer) from Reliance this morning about fixing the lights that don't work currently in room 209/210 for the degree show.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

11/04/12 (2)

Updated the invites list with several new invitees, and also contact details from existing invitees whos details were not initially provided.


Tried out arrangements for the room we have been allocated for the degree show (209/210) this afternoon with a couple of students from the course. Found that the ceiling lights at one end of the room are not working at present. These will need to be fixed for the degree show, as we need to use the area of the room that would be lit by them for showcasing of film groups work.

Monday 9 April 2012


Created a spreadsheet with all current invites that students from the course have informed me of. Chased up a couple of students who have recieved intrest back from industry reps but had not provided me with the contact details.

Saturday 31 March 2012


Recieved a reply from Lee Parker today about how the industry invites will be handled. The team will need all of our wanted invites in an excel or csv fromat spreadsheet.

Monday 26 March 2012


As I have not heard back from Lee, I have re-sent the email about invites.

Thursday 22 March 2012


Have emailed Joe Simpson about potential sponsorships.

Tuesday 20 March 2012


Matt has informed me that the team are "just putting the final touches to the sponsorship pack and it should be available at the end of the week to send out to prospective sponsors."He has also informed me that the team has designated one Joe Simpson as Head of Sponsorship, and has given me his contact details to ask about sponsorship.

Saturday 17 March 2012

17/03/12 (2)

Have been told to talk to Matt Fox (head of finance) about sponsorship. I have emailed him requesting how to go about contacting the O2's sponsors.


Emailed Lee Parker (Head of) today asking about what the process for inviting industry representatives is for this years show.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

13/03/12 (2)

I know that Rave wanted all official invites sent through the branding team. So have emailed Chris (Head of Degree show management team) about who I need to speak to about having some invites prepared/ sent.


Have emailed the degree show management team about potential use of the O2's sponsors for sponsorship of our show.

Thursday 1 March 2012


Had a meeting with the degree show management team today. Discussed rough drafts of the floor plans. Also, was informed that there is the potential of using the O2's sponsors for sponsorship for the show. This is an interesting point, as it would be useful to get sponsorship from Philips (who sponsor the O2 for all their audio/video equipment) to provide decent monitors and headphones for each team's displays at the degree show.

Tuesday 28 February 2012


Emailed all students on my course about providing possible donations of £50 each to our degree show fund. Everyone who responded seemed fine with £50.

Monday 13 February 2012


Attended the initial 'big meeting' today. Talked about the show's theme, which will be 'Light'. Was assured that they plan on making this show much better than last years, with most of the technical problems of being in a new build have been sorted.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

07/02/12 (2)

Laura replied to me, they are still waiting for some courses to designate reps, but the meeting has been scheduled for Monday 13th and will go ahead regardless of if the remaining courses have nominated reps or not.


Emailed Laura asking if there is a date set for the initial meeting for all reps yet.

Tuesday 24 January 2012


Had a brief meeting with the degree show management team today. Went over a few points with them, and was informed that an initial meeting between them and all courses degree show reps is being arranged for some time nextweek or the week after. They are currently still waiting for some courses to designate representatives.

Friday 13 January 2012


Had a discussion with Mike as well as Valentino and Chris today about various things that we want for our show. Discussed potential spaces, needed equipment, potential costs and several other things. Valentino took minutes, and emailed a copy to us all.